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If you’ve ever wanted to create a video tutorial or record yourself playing a game, you may have used screen recording software. Screen recording software lets you record your computer screen and audio at the same time. Once you’ve recorded your video, you’ll need to edit it before sharing it with others.
Here’s how to edit a screen recorded video:
First, open your video in a video editing program. If you don’t have a video editing program, there are many free options available online, such as Windows Movie Maker or iMovie.
Once your video is open in the editor, take a look at the overall length of the video and decide if you need to trim it down. To do this, simply place your cursor at the beginning or end of the section you want to remove and hit the “delete” key on your keyboard.
- Download and install a video editing program like Adobe Premiere Pro or Sony Vegas Pro
- Import your screen recorded video into the program
- Use the various editing tools to trim, cut, and edit your video as desired
- Export your edited video in the desired format and resolution
3 TIPS for Editing SCREEN RECORDINGS in Premiere Pro – How to Make Interesting Screencasts
How Do I Crop a Screen Recorded Video?
When you record your screen, you may want to crop the video to remove any unwanted areas. To do this, you can use a video editing program like Adobe Premiere Pro or Final Cut Pro.
Open your video in the editing program and place a marker at the beginning and end of the section you want to keep.
Then, select the “crop” tool and drag it over the section you want to remove. The part of the video that is outside of the cropped area will be removed when you export your final video.
How Do I Edit a Screen Recording on Iphone?
iOS screen recording is a great way to share what’s on your iPhone or iPad with others. But what if you want to edit your screen recording? Luckily, there are a few ways to do this.
If you have an iPhone 6s or later, you can use the built-in Quick Time Player app to edit your screen recording. Simply open the app and go to File > Open Movie in New Player.
Then, find your screen recording and click Open.
Once your screen recording is open in QuickTime Player, you can use the editing tools to trim it down or add annotations. To trim your screen recording, just drag the yellow sliders at the beginning and end of the video timeline. To add annotations, click the “Add Annotation” button and then select one of the options: arrow, text box, highlight, or line.
Another way to edit your screen recording is with iMovie for iOS. This app has more advanced editing features than QuickTime Player, so it’s great for those who want more control over their video. To edit your screen recording in iMovie, simply import it into the app and then use the editing tools to trim it down or add effects.
Finally, if you need even more control over your video editing, you can always use a dedicated video editor like Adobe Premiere Rush CC or LumaFusion. These apps are designed for professionals but they’re also user-friendly enough for anyone to use. Simply import your screen recording into the app and start editing!
Can You Trim a Screen Recording?
Yes, you can trim a screen recording. To do so, open the screen recording in QuickTime Player and then choose Edit > Trim. From here, you can select the portion of the recording that you want to keep and then click on the Trim button.
How Do I Delete Part of a Screen Recording?
There are a few ways you can delete part of a screen recording. One way is to use the editing tools that come with your screen recording software. Most screen recording programs will have basic editing capabilities, such as the ability to cut and trim video clips.
This should be all you need to do to remove the unwanted portion of your screen recording. Another way to delete part of a screen recording is to export the video file to a video editing program like Adobe Premiere or iMovie. With these programs, you’ll have more control over your footage and can make more precise edits.
If you’re not familiar with video editing, there are plenty of tutorials online that can walk you through the process.
Finally, if all else fails, you can always re-record the section you want to remove. This may take some extra time, but it’s usually the quickest and easiest way to get rid of any errors in your original recording.

How to Edit Screen Recording Video on Android
It is very easy to edit screen recording video on Android. You can use any video editing app to do it. I will show you how to edit screen recording video on Android using the Video Editor app.
First, open the Video Editor app and tap on the “+” icon.
Then, select the screen recording video that you want to edit.
After that, you will see the editing tools at the bottom of the screen.
Tap on the trim tool to trim your video. You can also add effects, text, and stickers to your video by tapping on the respective icons. When you are done, tap on the “Save” button at the top right corner of the screen.
How to Edit Screen Recording Settings
Are you looking to change your screen recording settings? Whether you’re trying to improve the quality of your recordings or just want to customize the process to better suit your needs, here’s a quick guide on how to edit your screen recording settings.
First, open the Screen Recording app and select the Settings tab at the bottom. From here, you can adjust various aspects of your recordings, including the resolution, frame rate, and bit rate. For resolution, you can choose between 1080p, 720p, or 480p. If you’re not sure which one to pick, 1080p is typically best for most purposes.
However, if you’re recording something that doesn’t need such high quality or if you want to save on file size, feel free to go with a lower setting. Frame rate determines how many frames per second are recorded. A higher frame rate means a smoother recording but also a larger file size.
30fps is generally a good middle-of-the-road option, but again it depends on what you’re recording and your personal preferences. Bitrate is closely related to resolution and affects both video and audio quality. A higher bitrate results in better quality but also creates larger files.
If you find that your recordings are coming out fuzzy or unclear, try increasing this setting until it looks better. Just be aware that doing so will use up more storage space.
Finally, there are two other options worth mentioning: microphone volume and show touches.
The former allows you to control how loud your voice is in relation to everything else being recorded; if people have trouble hearing you when watching your videos back, try turning this up a notch or two. As for show touches, enabling this will superimpose a circle over any spot on the screen where you tap or click during recording; this can be helpful for demonstrating things like touch gestures or game controls. Beyond these basic options, there isn’t much else to tweak in terms of settings.
However, one thing worth noting is that under Advanced Options there’s an entry for Storage Location . By default, all screen recordings are saved to device storage; however, if yo u have an SD card inserted into your phone (and it isn’t set as internal storage ), you can switch where Screen Recording saves files by tapping on this menu entry and selecting SD Card instead. And that’s really all there is to editing Screen Recording settings!
How to Trim a Screen Recording Iphone
Assuming you’re talking about how to trim a screen recording on your iPhone: Open the Photos app and go to the video that you want to trim. Tap Edit in the upper-right corner of the screen.
Tap the scissor icon next to Trim, then tap Trim Original. Drag the yellow sliders on either side of the video timeline to change start and stop times, then tap Done.
How to Crop a Screen Recorded Video on Android
We’ve all been there – you’re recording a screen cast on your Android device and you make a mistake. Maybe you accidentally include something in the frame that you don’t want to show, or maybe you just want to cut out part of the video for brevity. Whatever the reason, it’s easy to crop a screen recorded video on Android.
Here’s how: Open the video in your favorite video editing app (I like VLC for Android). Use the seek bar at the bottom of the screen to find the point in the video where you want to start cropping.
Tap on the “Edit” icon (it looks like a pencil) and select “crop.” You’ll be given the option to crop from the current position, or from the beginning or end of the video. Choose whichever is appropriate for your needs.
You can also use this method to trim videos – just find the point where you want to trim and select “cut” instead of “crop.” that’s it! Cropping and trimming videos on Android is quick and easy, so there’s no excuse for not getting those screen casts just right.
How to Edit Screen Recording Settings on Iphone
Screen recording is a great way to capture what’s happening on your iPhone. But by default, the iPhone records with audio enabled. That might not be ideal in every situation.
Here’s how to edit your screen recording settings on iPhone so that you can choose whether or not to include audio with your recordings. To access the screen recording settings, open the Control Center and long-press on the Screen Recording icon. A menu will appear with three options: Microphone Off, Start Recording, and Cancel.
Tap Microphone Off to disable audio recording for your next screen recording session. Once you’ve disabled audio recording, any screen recordings you make will be silent. If you want to re-enable audio recording, just long-press on the Screen Recording icon again and tap Microphone On in the menu that appears.
How to Edit Screen Recording Windows 10
Screen recording is a popular way to create instructional videos, capture gaming footage, or simply record what’s happening on your screen. Windows 10 includes a built-in tool for recording your screen, and it’s actually pretty good! In this article, we’ll show you how to use the screen recorder in Windows 10.
To get started, open the Game Bar by pressing Windows Key + G. If you’re not already in a game or app that supports Game Bar, you’ll be prompted to open one. Once the Game Bar opens, you should see a control panel with various options for capturing game play footage and screenshots.
A timer will start counting up from 0:00, and your entire screen will be captured until you press the Stop button or close the Game Bar. You can find your recorded videos by going to This PC > Videos > Captures. By default, videos are saved as MP4 files using the H264 video codec and AAC audio codec.
You can change these settings by clicking the Gear icon in the Game Bar controls and selecting “Settings”. From here you can change things like resolution, frame rate, bitrate, and more.
How to Crop Screen Recording Windows 10
There are many ways to crop your screen recording in Windows 10. The first way is to use the Snipping Tool. This is a built-in tool that allows you to select an area of your screen to capture.
To launch the Snipping Tool, go to Start and type “Snipping Tool” into the search box. Then, click on the “Snipping Tool” icon that appears in the results. Once the Snipping Tool is open, you will see an interface with several options.
For this method, we will be using the “Rectangular Snip” option. To select this option, click on the drop-down arrow next to “New” and choose “Rectangular Snip” from the menu. Now that you have selected the Rectangular Snip option.
Click and drag your mouse over the area of your pc screen you want to record. When you release your mouse button, a screenshot of the selected area will be taken and saved to your clipboard. From here, you can paste it into any image editor or document (such as Microsoft Paint or Word) and save it as a file on your computer.
If you want more control over how your screenshot looks, you can use the Free form or Windows Screen Capture tools instead of the Snipping Tool method described above. To launch either of these tools, press Windows+Shift+S on your keyboard (or press Win+PrtSc if you are using Windows 10 version 1703 or earlier).
How do I convert a screen recording to a video?
To convert a screen recording to a video, follow these general steps:
Capture Your Screen Recording:
If you haven’t recorded your screen yet, there are several software options available such as OBS Studio (free and open source), Camtasia, ScreenFlow (for Mac), and others.
Windows 10 also has a built-in screen recorder in the Xbox Game Bar. The specifics of how to use each tool will vary, but typically, you’ll select an area of your screen to record and then start and stop the recording.
Check the Output Format:
Most screen recording software will save the recording directly as a video file, often in formats like .MP4 or .MOV. If your recording is already in a desired video format, you might not need to do anything else.
Convert or Edit (if necessary):
If you need to convert the screen recording to another format, or if you wish to edit the content, use video editing software. Here are some steps for conversion and basic editing:
a. Open Video Editing Software: Use software like Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro, iMovie, or DaVinci Resolve. Free alternatives include Shotcut and HitFilm Express.
b. Import Screen Recording: Drag and drop or use the import function to add your screen recording to the software.
c. Edit the Video: Trim, cut, add text, effects, or whatever other edits you need.
d. Export/Save: Choose the desired video format and resolution, and then save or export the video. For online sharing, MP4 is commonly used. Ensure the settings match your desired quality and file size.
Sharing and Playback:
Once your screen recording is in a video format, you can play it using video playback software like VLC Media Player or Windows Media Player. You can also upload it to platforms like YouTube, Vimeo, or any other video-sharing or cloud storage platforms of your choice.
Remember, the exact steps and options might differ slightly based on the software you’re using, so always refer to the specific software’s user guide or help section if you run into any challenges.
Q1: What tools can I use to edit a screen recorded video?
A1: There are several video editing tools available, ranging from beginner-friendly to professional grade, such as iMovie (for Mac), Windows Video Editor (for Windows), Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro, Camtasia, and Filmora, among others.
Q2: How do I trim or cut parts of my screen recording?
A2: Most video editors have a ‘trim’ or ‘cut’ tool. Import your video, then use the timeline to select the part you want to remove, and apply the trim or cut function. The specifics will vary depending on the software.
Q3: Can I add voiceover to my screen recorded video?
A3: Yes, most video editing software allows you to add voiceovers. You can usually import an audio file or record directly within the software.
Q4: How can I enhance the video quality of my screen recording?
A4: Many video editors have enhancement tools. You can adjust brightness, contrast, sharpness, and sometimes even apply stabilization. However, remember that the quality of the original recording will often dictate the final quality after editing.
Q5: How do I add text or annotations to my screen recording?
A5: In the video editing software, look for a ‘text’ or ‘title’ tool. From there, you can usually type your text, choose its font, size, color, and position it anywhere in the video.
Q6: Can I combine multiple screen recordings into one video?
A6: Absolutely. Import all the clips you want to combine, and then drag them onto the timeline in the desired order.
Q7: How do I add background music to my screen recording?
A7: Import the music file into your video editor, then drag it to the audio or music track beneath your video track on the timeline. Adjust its length, volume, and position as needed.
Q8: My screen recording has no audio. Can I fix that?
A8: If the original recording doesn’t have audio, you can’t retrieve what isn’t there. However, you can add voiceovers, sound effects, or background music as a workaround.
Q9: How can I zoom in on specific parts of my screen recording?
A9: Many editors have a ‘zoom’ or ‘crop’ function. Place the playhead at the desired point on the timeline, apply the zoom or crop, and adjust the area of focus. Some advanced editors offer keyframing for smooth zooming transitions.
Q10: How do I export my edited screen recording?
A10: Once done editing, look for an ‘export’ or ‘render’ option in the software. Choose the desired format, resolution, and other settings, then save the final video to your computer or share it directly online.
Remember, always save a backup of your original recording before making any edits, and keep practicing to become proficient at editing your screen recordings!
If you’ve ever made a screen recording, you know that they can be pretty long and tedious to edit. But with a little patience and the right tools, you can easily edit your screen recorded videos to make them more watchable. Here’s how:
First, open your video in a video editing program. If you don’t have one, there are many free options available online.
Next, use the trim tool to cut out any sections of the video that are unnecessary or too long.
Then, use the crop tool to remove any black bars or unwanted parts of the frame. Now it’s time to add some finishing touches. You can add text overlays or titles to help viewers follow along.
You can also add music or sound effects to make the video more engaging.
Finally, export your edited video and share it with the world!