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Diversity in the labor market is an increasingly relevant and urgent topic for organizations and society. Having a diverse workforce means having people from different backgrounds, genders, ages, abilities, cultures, and perspectives. But it not only refers to these aspects; it also involves ensuring that everyone has access to the same opportunities and feels valued and respected in the workplace.
With the emergence of remote work, diversity and inclusion have stopped seeming like unattainable goals and have become a concrete reality. Remote work allows people to work from anywhere, regardless of where they are, their religion, or their gender.
However, if remote work has fostered this type of inclusion, recruitment platforms have amplified it. Nowadays, the offer is overwhelming, so it is important to ensure that the chosen platform is trustworthy. One of the most recommended is Simera. Based on software integrated with AI, this tool allows companies to find the best candidate based on their qualities, skills, and experience, without considering factors related to culture, race, age, or gender.
Using these platforms will help your company boost diversity, which will also upgrade its identity by endowing it with a wide range of ways of thinking and different points of view.
Having a global team sounds great, but it can be a challenge to create a solid and inclusive culture when time zones and locations differ. Is it possible? Of course. There are some basic tips to foster a sense of belonging and make people from diverse backgrounds feel at home when working together.
What is Diversity and Inclusion in Remote Work?
Diversity in the workplace refers to the unique qualities each person in a team possesses, including their ethnic background, language, cultural background, etc. Inclusion refers to concrete initiatives and actions to ensure that your company’s culture makes everyone feel welcome and engaged, motivating them to be authentic in every situation in their work environment.
Another essential element is a greater sense of belonging with the team and the company. This is fundamental for improving engagement and creating well-being so that everyone thrives and reaches their full potential.
Employees who feel they belong in their workplace are more likely to:
- Achieve better results because they feel motivated.
- Have a greater purpose, connecting them with the company’s mission.
- Contribute fresh and diverse perspectives and express their creativity.
- Feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and ideas.
- Know they can count on equal opportunities.
- Experience less stress and mental health issues.
Ways to Promote Diversity and Inclusion in Your Remote Team
1. Learn and Celebrate that You Have a Diverse Team
After welcoming new people, you should let them speak freely and pay attention to them. Listening will allow you to get to know your team, which will help them engage and dedicate themselves to work. When people feel heard and appreciated, they are more likely to put in effort and dedication.
Since people tend to focus on getting to know their team, you should encourage your employees to also get to know colleagues in different departments of the company. This way, everyone makes an effort to create inclusion, learn about their peers, and increase their impact on the organization.
2. Create a Psychologically Safe Environment for Your Team
A simple check-in with your team where you ask about their day can be very useful. It allows for psychologically safe spaces where everyone in the organization can share how they feel and express themselves freely.
It’s essential to remember that your questions should go beyond “How are you?”. Dig deeper into their family relationships, hobbies, and how they are handling their tasks. This will show that you truly care.
3. Allow and Encourage Honest Feedback
Sometimes, employees may choose not to speak about an issue that concerns them because they feel their bosses are not listening. They may worry about sharing too much if it’s a personal matter or appearing incompetent if it’s work-related.
To overcome this obstacle, you should encourage your team to speak freely and give honest feedback in a kind and considerate manner. If it feels difficult at first, consider investing in professional training to help create a safe zone, ensuring that your employees feel comfortable sharing their opinions with you. This generates trust, which is essential for remote teams to succeed.
Employees who feel physically and psychologically safe in their workplace can fully perform their tasks every day. Additionally, if they feel appreciated for who they are and what they do, regardless of where they come from or their age, they are more productive, more engaged, and more likely to commit to the company and contribute to achieving set goals.
The main element in creating a safe environment lies in promoting diversity, inclusion, and a sense of belonging in the workplace: allowing everyone to speak, ask questions, share ideas, and make mistakes without fear of feeling ashamed or judged. The path may not be easy, (no one said it would be), but we can guarantee that the reward if achieved, will make your company unbeatable.